20 subjects will eventually be completed and listed on the left side navigation. Each subject is written as a creative essay that challenges our fixed notions and expands our understanding of consciousness. Books and links relating to the subjects are listed. Right side navigation has programs, contact and feedback.
How to understand this site
The majority of humanity has little interest in understanding how the mind creates an experience of its existence. The purpose of this site is to provide a catalyst for those wishing to investigate this phenomenon from a logical perspective. Care has been taken for succinctness and to simplify without falsifying. Approximately 50 minutes may be required to gather a valued understanding of the subjects. The subjects have link references to and a similar writing style.
The subjects are best read at the rate of speech, as if the author is narrating it. The logic for understanding consciousness is put together in steps similar to a geometric puzzle. This is how a scientist studies relativity or quantum mechanics. Each task is thought out one step at a time, cross checking each step. Eventually a picture or concept will emerge as a revelation.
Imagine arriving on planet Zarg and begin observing its in-habitants. Many great writers adopt this creative position. The creative state is when we are 100% alert and attentive, free of pre-conceived thoughts, beliefs and judgments.
This site is continually being developed, often late in the evening. Missing or incorrect prepositions are the most common errors, therefore please forgive. Communication with the author on editing and subject matters is welcomed. author (at) HiProtocol (dot ) com
Consciousness cannot be directly viewed or described; we see the structure of our consciousness through the content it conveys similar to how light reflects from an object revealing its shape.
For the majority of humanity the experience of existence becomes our knowing of existence, and is possibly the reason consciousness is rarely investigated. The limited academic studies of consciousness are fragmented between many faculties. The reason no centralised faculty within academia is charted to investigate how the human mind creates an experience of its existence, is because, a definitive direction for how this could be achieved has not yet been proposed.
The common view is that the 'Self' is the innate source of consciousness (given by God or through evolution) from which everything else, including other human beings, Gods and the environment are separate. Therefore anything that is separate can be analysed, judged, prayed to, exploited or acted upon. From this assumed view, the apparent quest or purpose of one's life is to attain to, or grow in harmony with whatever belief or ideal one follows, regardless of the contradictions that arise.
Human behaviour is presumed as being of will, free or conditioned, separate from consciousness. The aim of these essays is to give a broader view showing that human behaviour is a reflection of consciousness and not of will. Therefore, only through understanding our consciousness can our collective behaviour change.
The majority of publications on human consciousness are aimed at the alternate awareness market in line with magical crystals, alchemy and astrology, where logic and scientific understanding is negated.
Many people with religious convictions believe humanity can only come to order by attaining to correct belief. Others including the author of this site state that humanity must make the transition to understand its consciousness before it can end the divisions within itself and be at one with the environment. Only when this final step is achieved will humanity be able to reach for the stars.
As individuals, we appear to be pre-occupied with security, possessions, status and ambition separate from each other. This innate belief that the Self is the source of consciousness also represents a large investment in our activities of self-improvement, self-development and self-empowerment including the commercialisation of self help, alternative awareness and spiritual enlightenment.
Academic institutions also support subjects in humanities reflecting self-centeredness as the prime motivation and purpose of human endeavour for those wishing to pursue prosperous careers in economics, politics, law, marketing and corporate management.
![Hitchhikers Guide](images/subjects/hg.jpg)
Douglas Adams the author of ' The Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy ' wrote a cleaver parody about a race of hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings who built the largest computer in the universe named Deep Thought. Deep Thought's charter was to calculate the Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything. After taking millions of years to think about it, Deep Thought came up with an answer and said, "You are not going to like it .... you are REALLY not going to like it .... the answer is .... the answer is .... 42 ".
With cries of exasperation by those who waited millions of years to hear the answer, Deep Thought went on to say that to understand the answer, we must first understand the question. This will require building a larger computer that will include organic matter as its matrix, named Earth.
The metaphor in this humorous parody allows us to see that we cannot understand consciousness without first understanding the 'Self' and why the Self appears to be real when it is only a reflection, similar to looking into a mirror. Many scientists in the fields of Quantum mechanics, Relativity and Astronomy and recently in Biological and Environmental sciences now hold similar views to eastern philosophy particularly Buddhism, that the Self is a reflection and not the source of consciousness.